Content Distribution Network (CDN) outage
Incident Report for Adnuntius System Status
There was an outage in a third-party provider that Adnuntius uses for hosting and serving static assets for your advertisements, such as images and videos.

We are currently following up with our provider to determine the exact nature and duration of the outage, but our internal monitoring measured that normal service was restored within 24 minutes.

During the time of this outage there were issues with:

- uploading static assets (images, videos etc) to Adnuntius
- serving static assets in ad responses

Current actions taken as a result of this incident:

- the status of the CDN network has now been added to this status page (
- started gathering more information about the outage from our provider
- commenced evaluating other CDN providers
Posted Sep 06, 2022 - 13:00 UTC